
Cruz Castillo

Stop, Breathe & Think Kids

Mindfulness app specially designed for kids, featuring guided meditations for dealing with anxiety, stress and sleeping problems. Showcased on The Planet of the Apps show and selected as App Store’s Best of Show 2017 in 3 countries.

Developed with Swift 3.0 for iOS 10 and later devices.

Video player


My role as Interaction Designer involved explore and iterate over high quality prototypes, designing micro interactions and transitions.

I was also directly responsible of developing the MVP, and later leading the development team in taking the product to production.

Home screen.

Emotion picker.

Profile Selection.

Can we teach our kids to meditate?

After having established itself in the mindfulness space, ‘Stop, Breathe & Think’ had an interesting question: Can we make our kids care about meditating?

Aimed at kids between 6 and 11 years old, the project provided us with a unique oportunity to explore outside our comfort zones and reach to this audience for the first time.

As the lead developer, I collaborated closely with the UX team for iterating the product and providing a meaningful experience for children like our own.
